Welcome to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Bava!
Welcome to my first experiment with posting using Jekyll. I’ve been playing with GitHub all day between getting jimgroom.me mapped on GitHub and wrapping my head around Jekyll. I have to say the process has given me a far better sense of how GitHub works, something I’ve be trying to push myself to learn for over a year now.
I wish I could explain what GitHub and Jekyll are exactly, but I have to admit I am still fuzzy. But if you asked me I would say GitHub is a versioning control application that folks figured out can do a whole lot more. Namely, it can run the Ruby application Jekyll which is a simple, static file-based blog application. You install Jekyll locally on your computer, and through the GitHub client can edit, preview locally, and commit edits and the like.
It’s a bit overkill for a blog, but I’m also very new to it all. I imagine there is much more that can be done that I have no concept of.
Here are some useful sites I used in the process of mapping a domain to GitHub and getting Jekyll up and running as the GitHub blog/CMS:
This page takes you through setting up a custom domain with GitHub pages: https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-a-custom-domain-with-github-pages/
This page helped me troubleshoot my custom domain issues when mapping to Github. https://help.github.com/articles/my-custom-domain-isn-t-working/
This blog post helped me actually see the DNS settings I needed to map my domain to GitHub cleanly. http://davidensinger.com/2013/03/setting-the-dns-for-github-pages-on-namecheap/
This page helped me get up and running with Jekyll. https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages/
Stackoverflow helped me find an answer to the permissions issue I was having when trying to install RubyGems (the Ruby packager that installs Jekyll): http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14607193/installing-gem-or-updating-rubygems-fails-with-permissions-error
Jekyll’s quickstart (because I am impatient) helped me get installed and running (although not that quick): http://jekyllrb.com/docs/quickstart/